How to reach peak levels of performance in all areas of your life.
Recorded live from Brian Tracy's two day Success Mastery Academy. In this MP3 audio edition, Brian shares over 1,000 ideas and strategies on how to have dramatic increases in your business and personal career. This program covers 2 full days and 16 modules. It comes with a complete digital workbook to capture every idea presented.
Module 1 (Qualities of Master Achievers)
Module 2 (Managing Yourself & Others for Peak Performance)
Module 3 (How to Make Quantum Leaps in Sales & Business)
Module 4 (Time Empowerment)
Module 5 (Maximum Selling Strategies)
Module 6 (Positioning, Perception & Self-Image in Selling)
Module 7 (Persuasion, Negotiation, and Influence Skills)
Module 8 (Success and Self-Motivation)
Module 9 (The Magic of Self-Direction)
Module 10 (Personal Strategic Planning for High Performance)
Module 11 (How to Set and Achieve Goals)
Module 12 (Leadership, The Critical Difference)
Module 13 (Achieving Financial Independence)
Module 14 (Twenty-One Traits of Self-Made Millionaires)
Module 15 (Communication-The Master Skill of Powerful Relationships)
Module 16 (Achieving Success in Family and Business)
Semua dalam bahasa Inggris.
Total 668 MB (1 DVD audio)
Total 197 judul
Durasi 17 jam
Harga Rp 100.000 + ongkos kirim
CD Motivasi Brian Tracy lain: